Lisa V. McCulley, PhD
Lisa V. McCulley, PhD
Director of Research, Evaluation, and Assessment, Employee Owner
When Lisa came to Resources for Learning (RFL) in 2015, she brought her specialized knowledge in program evaluation and research design. Her responsibilities include managing multiple projects involving evaluation and data analysis, developing evaluation frameworks for complex initiatives, and analyzing and interpreting mixed- and multi-method results.
Prior to joining RFL, Lisa was a senior field analyst and research associate at the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (MCPER) in Austin, Texas. There she worked with instructional coaches on a statewide writing improvement initiative, served as an instructional coach on several intervention projects, and participated in the design/implementation of multiple research projects. Prior to MCPER, Lisa spent 21 years in the classroom as a secondary English language arts and reading teacher.
Lisa earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education in the area of learning disabilities and behavior disorders at the University of Texas at Austin, a Master of Arts in secondary education at Texas State University, and a Bachelor of Arts in English at Texas State University. She is the author/co-author of several publications in peer-reviewed journals.